Step 2: Fill the background with black. Select the type tool and create a white text.
Step 3: Go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur and apply these following setting:
Step 4: Now create the flames, select the smudge tool and choose 17px soft brush. For strength, select about 80%. Check the "Sample All Layers" checkbox.
Open the Brush pannel and use these following setting:
Now create a new layer, then smudge the top of the letters and other areas to create a flame effect.
Step 5: Click on the Adjustment Layer button at the bottom of the layers pallete and select Color Balance.
Set the Midtones, Shadows and Highlights Settings:
Midtones Setting:
Shadows Setting:
Highlights Setting:
Step 6: Now, create a new text layer on top of that fire layer using exact same font and size as you did in the first step, but this time, use black for the color. Place this text layer on top of the fire.
Step 7: In the final setup set the new text layer's blending mode to 'Overlay'.
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